Do you want to live in an awakened, resourceful state? A state of flourish?

You can live a life where you die without regret

Light Before Dawn

Guiding you to your awakening

What does it mean to awaken?

We believe many of us are living a life of blind unawareness of the suffering we are causing ourselves.

We guide you to a wakened place, where you respond rather than react in life - meaning you can choose what and how you be. This consciousness of choice influences your daily experience, including how you connect with others, allowing you to make choices resulting in you living in a resourceful state.

what is a resourceful state?

From this place of resourcefulness, you have a ‘strong back and a soft front’ - a place of balance and integrity. This place of balance and integrity is reflective of you now having a deep acceptance of yourself, an awareness of how best to connect with others, clear boundaries, and you have let go thinking patterns, beliefs, and bodily held emotional blockages not serving you. You are able to embody - and be with - all emotional states. Being in this resourceful state is the birthplace for a life lived in flourish.

what is being in flourish?

To be living a life in flourish, you move out of a state of surviving, through thriving and into being in flourish.

You may now be in a place of surviving - sleep disturbance, physical discomfort and pain, emotional distress, patterns of worrying thinking - maybe even catastrophising, panic, overwhelm, a sense of being stuck, lost in what you want to do - or be, and a general sense of hopelessness. You may be somatacising - physically and energetically manifesting the suppression of emotional pain. You are living a life of scarcity, and your life may reflect this with money challenges, lack of meaningful connections and dissatisfaction in many areas of your life. Living in this survival state is exhausting, a place of little joy and contentment.

Living in a thriving state means you have improved sleep, healthy thinking patterns, physical ease and emotional wellness. In this place of thriving you spend time in a place of satisfaction and you trust that life is going to be mainly ok.

Flourish state is where the magic happens. Your daily experience is 80% of how you desire to be - maybe contentment, joy and a sense of inner calm. You have meaningful connections which are rewarding and fulfilling. You wake each day with optimism and a sense of looking forward to the day - knowing you can respond to whatever comes in the day ahead. You have faith in life being more than ok, and you are in an abundant mindset and living an abundant life

What is Light Before Dawn?

We are a collaboration of highly trained and experienced, trauma informed Guides, moving you from your state of survival, through thriving and into flourish.

A state of survival can be autoimmune physical symptoms, anxiety, depression, grief and/or a sense of being lost or stuck, either personally or in relationships.

We have at our hands a vast collection of strategies and interventions to support you as you move forward. Our base of interventions come from a wide range of modalities and disciplines including psychological, somatic, nervous system and contemporary trauma intervention practices. We are biopsychosocial practitioners with a focus on healing your body, heart, emotions, mind, energy and spirit.

Light Before Dawn is the birth of a much desired and needed Wellness Centre - meaning we are gathering a range of practitioners to offer a bespoke and integrated service to clients

What is your experience within light before dawn?

  • Key to our practice is holding space for clients with love, compassion and acceptance - allowing a foundation of trust from which deep guiding can happen.
  • Included in our practice is a caring and considerate support team, whose interactions with clients are also held with love, compassion and acceptance.

We have many clients now living a life of flourish, a result of cocreating together to identify, understand and let go all not serving them in their life.

Who is within our awakened team?

Our Practitioners

A biopsychosocial practitioner, passionate about people living in their rightful resourceful state, and dying without regret. Fi is a co-founder of Light Before Dawn, and a guide within the practice.

Fi Feehan

CO-Founder & Lead guide

Cat is an experienced therapeutic practitioner and Guide, with additional specialist skills working in horse-led practice. A Master NLP practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and accredited coach. Cat supports her clients with compassion, using a blend of modalities, to co-create a life of flourish.

Cat Emmerson

specialist guide

Wind Beneath The Wings of Light Before Dawn

Business Manager for Light Before Dawn, Carla’s role includes facilitating communication and administrative elements between clients and guides, designing written guides, systems and protocols for the business.

Carla Emery

Business Manager

Our Partners

Based on the stunning Cornish coast we are a small team of experts that have a strong sense of purpose and desire to see the world a fairer place. We have a unique combination of sustainability and communications services: helping you to build an achievable sustainability strategy and share it with the world. We work with you to increase profits, trust, and reputation.

conscious Creatives


Iain works as a freelance creative designer and illustrator. He has been providing illumination to Fi’s vision since 2014. 

Iain Buchanan


Are you wanting to be awakened and living in a resourceful state?

Anyone reading this I would highly recommend Fi as a life guide/coach/councillor (whatever you wish to call it). People always give reviews and you don’t know if they are genuine but finding out for yourself is the best way. The investment is worth it. Fi is kind beyond kind. She will listen without judgement - she wouldn’t ever judge you even if you shared with her the worst things you are going through or have been through. She teaches you as well as listening to you with compassion and kindness. I’ve never met or spoken to anyone as calm, helpful and fun as Fi. Invest and take a chance - you will wish you had done sooner.

ELLEN | horsham
